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  Senior High This program prepares students for their upcoming university entrance test. This is tailored to the needs of the students. We also provide one-on-one services for a more rigorous preparation. 高中課程主要強化閱讀能力,讓學生們準備好參加大學入學測驗(學...
親愛的家長與學生們, 我們非常高興地宣布,閱世界補習班與 First Choice English Academy 攜手合作,為您提供更全面、更專業的英語學習體驗。 在閱世界補習班,我們致力於提供多元化的學習機會,幫助學生在學業上取...
  High School (Junior) This is a continuation of our ESL program. At this stage, students are expected to be able to breeze through their school English lessons with ease. Thus, this program provides the students with tools to take advance English Proficiency Exam (Cambridge KET/PET/GEPT). Fu...
  ESL ESL program. This program is designed to develop children’s English skills. All four English skills (speaking, writing, reading and listening) are being honed in this program. We help children learn English as their second, third or in some case...
  iStart iStart, this is the entry level in our system. This program is designed to teach children basic English through fun storytelling, songs, and art.  Stories, songs, and art crafts are all integrated giving children a fun filled and interactive experience an...
  英文自然發音 iPhonics, this is the second level in our system.  This program is designed to teach children the basic foundation of phonics.  Children start to learn the concept of the English alphabet and basic phonics rules through fun and games.  Activities are incorp...